judith jockel photography

This is historian Lorena de Vita. During her research on international histories of reconciliation and repair she found the diaries of Otto Küster, a lawyer and negotiator of the German delegation who dealt with reparations to Holocaust victims. The pages of the diaries are on her computer and she uses a AI generated alphabet of his handwriting to decipher the pages. For her work Lorena has been awarded the Heineken Young Scientists Award and I photographed her for De Volkskrant!

This is flemish writer Kristien Hemmerechts I photographed her for „Wat bezielt je” by Stevo Akkerman in Trouw!

How can there be too much green in the city? Amsterdam tackles jungle of "orphan" plant pots, I photographed it for The Guardian

Dutch beach restaurants add sunscreen ‘shots’ to menu in fight against cancer- photographed for The Observer!

Kunstmuseum Den Haag provides art tours for people with dementia and their carers and I photographed it for The Guardian

This is Matthew J. Arlidge, English writer of crime novels.
I photographed him for De Volkskrant!

this is Ina Klaassen, happy director of museum Booijmans Van Beuningen. The museum has just received a splendid donation of 80 million Euros and will finally be able to continue the renovation that had started 5 years ago. I photographed her for Trouw!

Overvecht, a multicultural district in Utrecht, is called to be a 'Krachtwijk' (power district). Dutch politics, The Hague, the Dutch parliament, are all far away. 
So what has changed since the election? Does it affect how people think about their future? Read the interviews of people of Overvecht in this weekend’s edition of Trouw!

Departing minister of the Interior of the Netherlands Hugo de Jonge is leaving the political arena of the Dutch parliament, and I photographed him for Trouw!

The Walburg garden in Nuenen is a historical garden that had been sold recently.
No one will take care of it and it is already gradually fading out into its natural surroundings. I photographed and filmed this heavenly place for Trouw

this is Robert Serry, top diplomat of the Dutch government. He had just gotten back from Ukraine, before that he’d been in Israel. In between his busy international schedule he finds a hour to come by my studio and I photographed him for Trouw!

this is Frank Haun. He is CEO of the German-French joint venture KNDS, an European defence industry holding company. KNDS is building tanks and all kinds of devices of modern warfare. I photographed him for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Dutch classic movie ‘Spoorloos’ is according to director Stanley Kubrick „the most terrifying film” he had ever seen. It’s been restored in brilliant 4k and will be shown from today on. For De Volkskrant I photographed the two leading actors Johanna ter Steege and Gene Bervoets.

The McArthur’s bill, which will offer terminally ill adults assistance to end their lives in the UK, is expected to be scrutinised and could be voted on later this year. Euthanasa is been legal in The Netherlands for many years now, how does this affect our perception of the topic? I photographed this story for british Telegraph

Artist Jia-Yu Chang Corti will re-act the famous performance ‘The House with the Ocean View’ of Marina Abramović at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, I photographed Marina during the opening for Trouw 

A few weeks ago the very friendly and polite rabbi Lody van de Kamp came to my studio and I took his portrait for Trouw

HOUSING CRISIS in Europe- throughout all major European cities there is no affordable space to live. In The Netherlands years of leaving housing politics to a liberal market driven ideology have result in a fundamental housing shortage. But people are inventive enough finding new solutions for living and living space- read all about it in today’s edition of The Guardian! Story by Jon Henley!

Loving the Dutch language and why less and less people are studying it in Trouw!

Times are changing, even in the Dutch flower industry.
I photographed it for The Observer

This is Claudia Hörster, director of The Royal Collections of the Netherlands. I photographed her for De Volkskrant

This is Jolanda Fun. Next week, on her 34th birthday, she will be put to death. Guided by a doctor, surrounded by her family, her boyfriend and her dog.  
There is always a slight controversy about euthanasia, especially when it is a young person and there is no terminal condition of a physical disease.
I photographed Jolanda for The Sunday Times

Today is World Parkinson's Day. For Trouw I fotographed and filmed Dutch Jazz pianist René van Helsdingen, he suffers from Parkinsons disease.

This is Benjamin Van Bunderen Robberechts. His friend Rosa Reichel had drowned on a mutual summer camp in Wallonia three years ago. Friends have initiated a memorial spot for her and all victims of the future climate changes: Rosa’s tree. I photographed him for The Guardian 

“L’université qui écrit l’avenir de l’agriculture’ University of Wageningen
and the future of our food in the newest edition of Le Point!

For Trouw I photographed Donald Pols, managing director of Milieudefensie!

PVS goalgetter Luuk de Jong in today’s edition of The Guardian

”Niksen- The Dutch art of doing nothing” in todays edition of The Guardian! Interview by the fabulous Viv Groskop

Every first monday of the month at 12 o’clock the Dutch test their official alarms and during that sound artist Severine Amsing organises a show/performance/artwork with another artist. 
For this edition of Alarm she has invited me & since I have been busy with deconstructing my photogaphic vision lately I took a 8x10 photograph of my new series on the verge of the highway of Amsterdam and did little exercises in abstraction. It would be great to see you then!
ALARM / / Borneostraat 90d / / Amsterdam / feb 5th 2024 / 12 - 2pm

Ahmed Marcouch for ‘Wat bezielt je’, interview by Stevo Akkerman in Trouw!

Director Steve McQueen and his wife historian Bianca Stigter have made a four and half hour epic film called 'De bezette stad' ('Occupied city'). In the movie you see recent documentary-like footage of Amsterdam, starting with scenes of the city during covid lockdown. At the same time, you hear a female voice describing in a very neutral tone the deportation of Jewish citizens of Amsterdam during the years of Nazi occupation.
It’s a strange friction and even days after watching it the rhythm of the film stayed with me. While biking through the city all the stories and places mentioned kept popping up.
Interview by Ellen E. Jones in today’s edition of The Guardian!

Craft!Now. is a show on traditional crafts in modern art at Coda Museum Apeldoorn and I photographed it for De Volkskrant!

I had the great honour to photograph His Royal Highness Constantijn,
prince of The Netherlands last week for Trouw in The Hague.

broadcasting director Gianni Lieuw-A-Soen and Akwasi Ansah of newcomer Omroep Zwart in today’s edition of Trouw!

This is Hendrikje Crebolder, director of Development & Media at Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. She will be leaving the museum after 20 years. During her time working for the museum it became one of the top attractions in The Netherlands.
I photographed her for De Volkskrant

Dan Afrifa has chosen to be a writer, a writer of fiction. His parents are emigrants from Ghana and they found it hard to believe. Second generation children are often burdened with high expectations, fulfilling the dreams their parents once had as they themselves had given up so much to succeed in a new society. The Disneymovie „Elemental” is just about that. In today’s edition of De Volkskrant he compares the story with his own experiences as an emigrant child.

living together has never been more flexible, people define their own families these days. Wether you live with your friends, lovers and ex-lovers, people do celebrate christmas together. Modern families in today’s edition of Trouw!

This Jean-Marc van Tol, cartoonist and writer, famous for drawing 'Fokke & Sukke'. He is writing a trilogy of novels on 17th century politics, the second part “Buat” is out now. For De Volkskrant!

Comedian Wouter Monden has his onw podcast ‘Elektra’ where he interviews colleagues about everything that goes WRONG in their profession.
I photographed him for Trouw!

Philosopher and writer Alicja Gescinska for “Wat bezielt je” in Trouw

'Augustus:Oklahoma' of Toneelgroep Maastricht has its opening night tomorrow at PLT Theater Heerlen and I photographed #arianeschluter #annekeblok #wendelljaspers for De Volkskrant!

Dutch election count-down has begun! We visited the first member meeting of the new and rising star of Dutch politics ‘Nieuw Sociaal Contract’ for The Guardian

this is Israel van Dorsten. He and his 5 siblings grew up on a farm in Ruinerwold, a small village in the Dutch province of Drenthe. Hidden from the outside world they were raised by their father who was convinced he is the new messiah.
Religion, ghosts, abuse, violence, manipulation. In the documentary 'De kinderen van Ruinerwold' the children told their story to the nation. Their escape became world news, everybody was in shock. How was this possible? Especially in a country so densely populated and well organized?
Israel lives now very much in this world, he studies sociology and has written a brave book about his childhood „Wij waren, ik ben. Weg uit Ruinerwold” and it’s been nominated for the NS Publieksprijs. I phototgaphed him for Trouw.

In The Netherlands all new parents get the support of a maternity carer (’kraamzorg’) for the first 8 days after the birth. I photographed Odilia and the very vivid Dante for The Guardian!

Martin Bossenbroek wins the Libris Geschiedenis Prijs with ‘Zanzibardriehoek’ a book on the tradition of slave trade on the east coast of Africa. I photographed him for De Volkskrant

Chaos on German trainstations and why it is so difficult to be solved photographed for The Observer!

'De plantage van onze voorouders’ ('the plantation of our ancestors') is a podcast on history, heritage and family that I loved right away. Now it’s been made into a play and I photographed the two main actresses.
Today in Trouw!

photographed Michiel Nota and Jorrit Kreek of Urban Arrow for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

director Noël Fischer and writer Peer Wittenbolsith and their new play ‘Let’s talk about sex’ for Trouw!

Big interview in today’s edition of Trouw with singer Lakshmi and journalist Teun van de Keuken about their commitment to Extinction Rebellion, the winner of the ‘Duurzame 100’.

Extinction Rebellion wins ‘De Duurzame 100’!
I photographed the line-up of 12 other beautiful nominated projects for Trouw!

grand opera soprano Annemarie Kremer on a very windy
day for De Volkskrant!

I had the great honour to photograph Roberta Metsola the president of the European Parliament for The Guardian!

This is big time art detective Arthur Brand. A few weeks ago he had managed to get back a stolen 5 million Euro Van Gogh painting, it was delivered to his house in an Ikea bag! I photographed him for The Guardian 

there are a estimated 23,000 to 58,000 undocumented people in the Netherlands. In a country very well digitally organized with increasing cash-free payments having no bank account makes the life of the undocumented very complicated and stressful.
The podcast CityRightsRadio wants to give a voice to the ones unheard. I photographed them for The Guardian.

I photographed the story ‘TikTok food tourists leave a bitter taste in Amsterdam’ for The Observer!

my portrait of Marieke Blom, chief economist of ING bank in
today’s edition of Trouw!

Ruut Veenhoven, professor of 'social conditions for human happiness’
for De Volkskrant

I photographed the famous illustrator Thé Tjong Khing for De Volkskrant

writer Mirthe van Doornik has a new book out: 'Een tafel bij het raam’. I already loved her first one 'moeders van anderen'. This one is a great read for your coming summer while being on the beach, in the mountains, on the road or wherever, so go and get it! I photographed her for Trouw!

this is Noa-Lynn van Leuven. She is qualified for the World Matchplay next sunday in Blackpool and will be the first trans woman to play in a televised Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) tournament. I photographed her for The Guardian!

‘They’re sticking the finger up at cars’: Amsterdam split by low-traffic roads photographed for today’s edition of The Observer

Artist Anne Wenzel and her new show ‘Carte blanche / Fuck the dictator’ at Stedelijk Museum Schiedam for De Volkskrant!

moving bricks and grass in Dd the magazine of BNO: I illustrated the 'naturing’ approach of Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam by moving the lines of the building and its environment.

Faitrade cocoa beans in today’s edition of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung!

‘Farmers on frontline as Dutch divided by war on nitrogen pollution’ photographed for The Guardian

Portrait of Maaike Meijer, renowned writer and professor of gender studies at Maastricht University. She has just published a new book 'Radeloze Helden'.
I photographed her for De Volkskrant!

Niels van der Laan and Jeroen Woe have been awarded with this years Ere Zilveren Nipkowschijf for their new show 'Even tot Hier' and I photographed them for Trouw!


I photographed the main cast of ‘Laagland’ at Koniklijke Schouwburg Den Haag for De Volkskrant!


Portrait of Liesbeth Zegveld, human rights lawyer for ‘Wat bezielt je’ in Tijdgeest of Trouw

VERY EXCITED about this one! For De Volkskrant I photographed  and I made several short videos to illustrate the story of 'Soldaat op zolder’ by Herien Wensink!
The videos are shown in the online version, or just have look at the screenrecording below:

taking the stage while everything is closed: David Westera and Koen van Seuren graduated as actors from Maastricht‘s Institute of Performative Arts during corona lockdown. How does this influence this new generation of performing artists? Check it out in today’s edition of Trouw!

working below European minimum wage, being away for months, living in your truck: drivers used by major retailers speak out at the Dutch-Belgium border in today’s edition of The Observer

very happy and proud to be working for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, another great newspaper!
For FAS, the Sunday edition, I went to the Belgian beach of Oostende and photographed the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (TREC). Scientists here work on a new and comprehensive way of understanding of coastal ecosystems and their responses to changing environments.

Annette Herkens has survived a plane crash in the jungle and managed to stay alive in the wild for 8 days before she had been found. I photographed her for the new series ‘How we survive’ in The Guardian!

22/4/2023Photographed former priest and critic of the catholic church Eugen Drewemann for Trouw!

YES! Save the date: 15.4. and 16.4.23 I will be joining this edition of 'BUY MY DARLINGS’ at NDSM-Fuse!
If you are a photography lover check it out, there will be so much great stuff to see and buy. Special editions, portfolio reviews, artist talks, ect.

22/2/2023Micha Hamel is a composer, conductor and a poet. In 2009 he developed a severe psychosis and ended up in a psychiatric clinic. He wrote poems about this time and it is been published in a book just now. 'Is it fiction, biographical or poetry?' I ask, 'It’s poetry telling the story' he said. Today in De Volkskrant!

So honoured to be asked for this!
For ’Smart Shot’ in SATURDAY the magazine of The Guardian I was interviewed about using your phone as an artistic tool.
It’s always difficult to judge images you make of your own children: they’re devils and dictators, but aren’t they also (with no doubt) the smartest, funniest and surely the most beautiful? This is the link

singer Naaz has just released a new album. After a mindblowing start of her career in 2018 it had been silent. She had struggled with depression and anxieties. Now with a new album and a show in Carré she will celebrate she’s back. Today in Trouw!

30/12/2022Rebecca Gomperts was listed one of the 100 most influential people of Time Magazine in 2020. She had the simple but brilliant idea by creating an abortion clinic on a BOAT in countries where it still is forbidden.
I photographed her for The Daily Telegraph

so very honoured my portrait of Wim Hof has been selected for Guardian portraits of the year!!! You can see the gallery of all the great images HERE

Dutch minister of Housing and Spatial Planning Hugo de Jonge voor Trouw!

Director Diederik van Rooijen for De Volkskrant!

Writer Jonathan Franzen for Trouw!

Sweetheart musicians Mila Baslawskaja and Dmitry Ferschtman for De Volkskrant!

Alexandra and Han have been dancing together for almost their whole life, so very elegant they were, discipline and grace imprinted forever in their bodies.
They have a book out to manifest their impressive careers (she danced with Nurejev!!!!) and you can read their interview in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

astronomy, like science in general, has always been male dominated. Only very slowly times are changing.Like everywhere else certain manners that once have been accepted are no longer tolerable and finally women speak up. In today’s edition of De Volkskrant

last august young successful composer Joey Roukens has developed tinnitus and since then he cannot bear hearing hardly any sound. I photographed him in his home in Amsterdam, very friendly guy he is. Beautiful music too. Tonight is the premiere of his first symphony at De Doelen in Rotterdam and it is uncertain wether he will be able to attend.
Read it in today’s edition of De Volkskrant

I had not heard of this magical instrument before, the celesta, a piano/organ like ugly brown box that creates the most heavenly sound. So people go and enjoy the first ever recorded cd of this instrument by pianist virtuoso Celia Garcia Garcia, her cd 'Celestial Blue' is just out now!
In today’s edition of De Volkskrant 

sometimes you meet someone and it doesn’t matter which political party they belong to.Kathleen Ferrier, a politician with moral principles (rather unusual these days!) came to my studio and she was all friendly and elegant, a true lady and a real pleasure to have in front of my camera.In this weekend’s edition of Tijdgeest in Trouw!

Petra’s 12 year old Ilias son died in an accident while she was making dinner. The years after she was barely able to function. One of the things she could do was keeping a diary and she contacted writer Abdelkader Benali to make it into a novel. „Paradijsvogel boven de Hoge Woerd” is out now, a beautiful and poetic work, their interview is in today’s edition of Trouw.

‘This is what a river should look like’ Humankind controlling and creating the landscape: in no other country in the world this has been normal practise as in The Netherlands. One of my favourite sayings here is 'God created the earth and the dutch created The Netherlands’. But there are also voices that proclaim a more nature focussed approach: actually giving nature its own path back. For two days I travelled with journalist Phoebe Weston through the Southern parts and we visited projects of 'Rewilding Europe' at the river meuse. Her piece is in today’s edition of The Guardian, enjoy it!

Up! Up! Up! Grimm Gallery is opening a third venue this time in London and Jorg Grimm tells all about it in todays edition of De Volkskrant!

12/9/2022energetic Moniek Kramer, international acclaimed screenwriter has bought a cabinet in the woods. Just before Covid she had founded a screenwriting academy and teached her online courses from the wildernes. I photographed her for The Guardian and spend a really nice afternoon all surrounded by nature & she made me the tastiest lunch ever!

9/9/2022generations of Dutch kids are growing up with her being the host of 'Het Sinterklaas Journaal’, highlight of the year. Actress Dieuwertje Blok lives in a colourful house fully stuffed with art, books and beautiful things. She will now also be the new host of 'Podium Klassiek'. And YES, she’s as nice in real as she is on tv. Today in Trouw!

here’s to Stefano Keizers, the man who didn’t mind dancing in the rain on a perfect summer day. Today in De Volkskrant!

20/8/2022There’s a new generation of Dutch singer songwriters who use their own language so elegantly. I photographed Dutch Eurovision Songconest singer S10 for ZOMERTIJD in Trouw, her beautiful song 'De Diepte’ is the perfect example.

Marjolein Moorman, rising star of the PvdA in Amsterdam in her own neighbourhood. During our shoot people were shouting her name and greeting her even from boats far away. Walking your dog with a photographer following you can be quite a challenge then! Read her interview in ZOMERTIJD of Trouw!

many people these days choose NOT to vote or to vote AGAINST something not feeling represented by the common political parties or movements. Sociologist Roy Kemmers focussed on the enormous change in (Dutch) politics and talked to voters of PVV, for curious people like us his work is a gold mine: check it out in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

Els Rozenbroek, queen of the publishing world, is dying, our appointment for her portrait had been postponed several times and at one point cancelled. She was too weak, too tired and too sick. We said good-bye. A few days later Els had moved to a hospice and all of sudden regained strength so we gave it another try. So very special to photograph her on this lovely, sunny afternoon. Even now being this very sick she was a true performer once in front of my camera: brilliant, strong, sparkling.
Read her life’s story in today’s edition of Volkskrant Magazine!

28/7/2022surrounded by all kind of birds, squirrels, craws and even wolves I met sexologist Feniks de la Fosse. She makes a weekly podcast on SEX for het Nederlands Dagblad, which is quite remarkable as it is a conservative christian newspaper. Feniks herself happened to be very down to earth and openminded and according to herself there was no subject too tricky to talk about, just the right attitude for a sexologist! In today’s edition of De Volkskrant.

Jessica den Outer is a young lawyer specialised in Rights of Nature. One of her projects is to give the river Meuse a legal voice. Very nice person to walk around one afternoon and discus politics. I photographed her for asn bank magazine GoedGeld.

16/7/2022 my portrait of biologist, gardener and WRITER Mariken Heitman is the first of the big summer interviews in Trouw! I met the winner of the Libris Literatuur Prijs on a golden summer evening in the communal garden where she teaches gardening, so nice to have all that green around you!

2/6/2022portrait of artist Christopher Wool, his show in Brussels opens today and I photographed him for The Guardian!

29/5/2022Lodewijk Asscher, former rising star of the political left was the one of the few to resign from office after the ’toeslagenaffaire’ hit Dutch politics.
His portrait is the first of my new photo serie's for Tijdgeest in Trouw,
very excited about this!!

this is Jaco de Swart, multitalent/philosopher/physicist & musician. He will unravel the mystery of dark matter for us in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

28/4/2022What would Amsterdam tatoo legend Henk Schiffmacher do in his last 24 hours? I photographed him in his house at the Amstel and he will tell you in Cicero Magazine!

Anne and Josefine, both worked in the medical world and when Corona hit they became ill. Since then they struggle with the longterm effect of the disease. „It’s a constant struggle” Josefine told me „I have started to work again, but I can only help one patient and then I have to rest.” Once celebrated as a hero now they have to struggle to maintain their jobs, wat happened?
Read it in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

ICEMAN! We met fabulous Wim Hof and Guardian journalist Sam went all the way breathing with Wim. According to Wim himself, he is the most known Dutch man alive (is he?!?) check out The Guardian and find out yourself!

31/3/2022changing of the guards: Over the past three decades 5 people have been defining Dutch photography: Wim van Sinderen (Fotomuseum Den Haag), Hripsimé Visser (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam), Mattie Boom (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam), Frits Gierstberg (Nederlands Fotomuseum) and Anneke van Veen (Stadsarchief Amsterdam).
They pushed and guided photography into an independent art medium and guided generations of imagemakers. So special to see them all together and such an honour to photograph them. In today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

meet Anja Cheriakova, visionaire extraordinaire, she studied psychology, but decided to make the world a better place by founding her company De Clique to re-use organic waste and make it into new food. One of their many projects is to grow mushrooms on used coffee grounds and make it into 'bitterballen' a much loved dutch specialty, how cool is that!?! I photographed her for Trouw !

this is Mirjam de Gorter, grandchild of Arnold van den Bergh, a grandfather she has never met and who was recently accused of betraying the family of Anne Frank. All of a sudden Mirjam, a violin teacher for children and lover of medieval music had found herself right in the middle of a worldwide media scandal. Her family was publicly accused and shamed, „you have no idea how helpless one becomes” she told me, „you don’t have any influence” today in  Der Spiegel!

11/3/2022Funny as funny can be: famous tv comedians Koefnoen are live on stage in the theatre!
On my way to photograph them I was rather sad about the global situation but once I saw the men transforming into their characters I had to smile constantly.
Be happy and check out their show and of course their interview in today’s
edition of De Volkskrant!

12/2/2022His last book is also his first: At 81 after a long and successful career as a writer Wessel te Gussinklo is going to publish his first written novel, the one that had never been published before. His wife had found the script in a trash bag… „I was surprised how good it is- just had to change a few lines.” he said.
Read it in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

29/1/2022Such an honour to be ask for this assignment by Der Spiegel and to be able to see these documents in real life.
Last week there has been a scandal in The Netherlands: a new investigation initiated by Pieter van Twisk has put old evidence on the spot and claims it has been someone out of the Jewish community who gave the name.
But why now? After all these years, while the document has been in the city archive?
Read it in this week's edition!

28/1/2022Peter Römer, writer of the ever-long-lasting-never-ending detective tv-classic „Baantjer” for Trouw, it runs so long it even made into the Guinness book of Records!

a true icon of dutch photography: Vincent Mentzel. He photographed all the important and famous of our time, staff photographer of NRC Handelsblad, honoured by the queen (photographed her several times too). And despite of his impressive cv he was super funny and friendly! But how on earth was I going to photograph him ?
If you’ve once worked on large format you probably never forgot the moment the image was appearing magically in front of your eyes. So I took my 8x10 inch camera, set it up and photographed his portrait shining on the groundglas. In today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

building your own company on a laptop and selling it later to one of your competitors for a-very-significant-price („we cannot give you details for how much”) who wouldn’t want that?Well these two smart guys just did that and I photographed them for Wageningen World, ladies and gentlemen: Thijs Verheul and Sjuul Berden!

there is no blue print for Emmanuel Ohene Boafo: against the wishes of his family he became an actor and won as youngest and as the first black man the Louis d’Or, the most important prize for an actor in The Netherlands. I met him high above the city, it had been raining all morning but once we started the sun came out and it suited him so well!
Read it today’s edition of Trouw!

15/12/2021This is the portrait of farmer Jaring Brunia and one of his beauties, he expects to be able to continue unaffected as he runs a smaller dairy herd with a large area of land for grazing and disposing of manure. The Dutch government has just unveiled a €25bn plan to radically reduce the number of livestock in the country as it struggles to contain an overload of animal manure. It will start as a voluntary programme, with compensation offered to livestock farmers asked to leave. Read it in today’s edition of The Guardian!

Such good news at the end of the year!! Zaans Museum has acquired one of my photo’s for their collection!
Very proud that next year one of my images of 'the veil' will be shown in the museum!!

want to save a tree? Tomorrow you can bring unwanted saplings to the tree hub at Amsterdamse Bos. 'Meer bomen nu’ identify and categorize in order to give them away to people who would like to plant them. In today’s edition of The Guardian!


12/11/2021singer songrwriter Yorick van Norden has made a beautiful new album: 'Playing by ear’, it’s on my daily menu 🙂  Read his interview in today’s edition of Trouw!

so proud to be part of this! Join me tonight at at Essigfabrik Köln!

3/11/202120 years ago controversial Dutch healing medium Jomanda caused a big scandal when an actress died who had followed her advise not to take cancer treatment. The medium disappeared.
What I mostly remember of Jomanda is her wearing elaborate dresses, a lot of fabric and folds in all shades of blue. Queen of daytime tv Tineke de Nooij hired a private investigator to spotted her down in Canada, where she lives all alone in the woods. Tineke herself lives in the woods, close to princes Beatrix the former queen of The Netherlands ('such a shame I never meet her when she is walking her dogs’) and when I was aks to photograph her I bought a big piece of blue fabric to bring Jomanda at least visually back to Holland.
Check her interview out in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

13/10/2021singer Bonnie St Claire, GRAND DAME of dutch vocal music appeared to be quite PETITE in real life, but still with a big hairdo and smile. After years of addiction she successfully battled the booze and wrote a book about it. She was really nice and funny, meeting her was such a privilege!
Read her interview of change and reinvention in today’s edition of DE VOLKSKRANT!

19/9/2021The Kaiser and the paperweight: How the gift of Cecil Rhodes to Kaiser Wilhelm II helped inspire the first world war in this Sunday’s edition of The Observer!

10/9/2021multitalented actress Maria Kraakman in today’s edition of De Volkskrant! She is not only a great performer but will also make her debut as director of 'Client E. Busken' by Jeroen Brouwers.

9/9/2021‘No one really wants to die, you’re just not able to handle life at that moment’ says Bodine de Walle in Trouw today.She survived a suicide attempt and learned to turn it into something good. Tomorrow is suicide preventionday. Read her story in today’s edition of Trouw.

8/9/2021GOOD NEWS! I have a new column! For Trouw I will do 'Zin in het alledaagse' ('fancy the ordinary’), and photograph quite ordinary, funny, moving, crazy, hilarious, lovely people. Each of them has a special story to tell. The first is Stanley Baars who teaches disabled kids kickboxingin order to grow their confidence.

28/7/2021Before it was made official that COVID19 could be passed on from human to human Thijs Kuiken, professor of Comparative Pathology at Erasmus MC had proof of the evidence but couldn’t go public with it. He believes that the rise of pandemic could have been quite different if scientists would haven been allowed to act fast. Read his interview in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

27/7/2021'the king and I share the same initials, but our life's couldn’t have been more different’ dutch rapper Willem de Bruin grew up in a tiny one-street village right in the middle of Noord Holland. Being the only biracial kid in a white village he was always confronted with prejudices. Rufus Kain interviewed him for today’s edition of Trouw!

20/7/2021Avant la lettre reality star Margje Heida generously shared her life for years on online forum of Viva. Stopping the forum caused such a riot among its female users that the publisher decided to continue, even when the printed magazine will stop. In today’s edition of Trouw!

17/7/2021pretty birds at Teylers museum Haarlem and the famous book ‘The birds of America’ in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

15/7/2021All plants are equal, but some plants are more equal than others. The definition of 'weeds' has always been very peculiar to me: which criteria does make a plant less? Ecologist Jacqueline Henrot studies the vegetation alongside the dutch canals and I highlighted some of its beauties. You can enjoy them in today’s edition of Trouw.

all of July/2021so honoured to be part of this! THE GARDEN OF DELIGHT is an exhibition in public space commissioned by the Netherlands Embassy in Budapest.
Throughout July 25 Citylight posters will be shown in the Citycenter of Budapest, mine is one of my roses of my book 'You Breathe from a Garden in your Neck'!
This is the link to the website.

3/7/2021'we agree to disagree’, but not quite so: mother Beate is very much against a covid19 vaccination but her daughter Yentl really wants to do it. As teenagers in The Netherlands get their invitation for the vaccination the discussion rises within families. Despite their differences they were really lovely with each other. Sounds familiar? Meet these two in this weekend’s edition of Trouw!

7/6/2021I’m a guilty meat eater I have to admit. Every time I am around these cute and smart animals it becomes clear that I have to change. Kees Scheepens is a dutch vet and pig farmer who has developed a way of breeding pigs that gives them a quality of life. He has also invented a pig toilet to avoid the production of ammonia. The ones in the picture with Kees are 'Oma' and 'Borough' (named after David Attenborough!!!) each of them about 450 kilos, very impressive! A few shots after this one Bourough took a severe interest in my camera and approached me directly and I really felt quite intimidated. Read Senay Boztas lovely piece in today's edition of The Guardian!

6/6/2021Writing about the rich and famous for years journalist Mark Smith has always been hiding his hand discretely. He was born with three fingers missing. After a long career in fashion he has now decided to change his attitude and tell his story in today’s edition of The Sunday Times Style Magazine!

1/5/2021'I want justice!' says former gymnast Stephanie Tijmes in today’s edition of Trouw. She fights the long and tiresome battle to get legal recognition for all the years she has suffered from psychological abuse while practising gymnastics. 'But I get the feeling our legal system is just not made for this' she told me. Read her story in today’s edition of Trouw!

30/4/2021Meet Elize and Harrie who will be the first to rent a fully 3D printed house in Eindhoven. It’s ben printed in 120 (!!) hours only. I photographed them for today's edition of The Guardian!

17/4/2021Rosalie had 7 miscarriages before having her daughter. Although we know that 15% of all pregnancies already end in an early stage, it‘s always a shock and never easy. During this time she took off from work as being sick, „wich is not exactly true of course, you’re not sick” she told me. „There should be a special day off for it, such as a sort of maternity leave.“Read her Interview in today‘s edition of Trouw!

3/4/2021SPRING! Not all is true in these images when investigated the secret life of nature after a long and grey winter. Today in beautiful Tijdgeest of Trouw!

25/3/2021‘this garden is for everyone’ says Henk Blokhuis manager of the 50/50 project garden. In the north of Amsterdam the Salvation Army provides this piece of land for (ex) homeless people to work or spend their time during the day. I photographed it for KANS Magazine!

'a body can break in strange ways’ says Marijn Houwert, trauma surgeon of UMC Utrecht and I wondered what kind of impact it must have for one’s mind doing a job where every minute counts, every decision is crucial.The operating room itself had something sacred, it is like you can feel the importance of all actions taken there. Read his story in today's edition of De Volkskrant!

making the Sinai Peninsula furtile again by simply stimulating diatom growth in large watertanks, how cool is that?!? Dutch foundation The weathermakers’ have developped a formular, to effectively take up nutrients from the water in order to create an optimal functioning ecosystem. Check it out in this weekend’s edition of the Guardian Weekend Magazine!

this is Lale Gül, a young Dutch writer. In her book 'Ik ga leven' she tells the story about the conflict of a traditional Turkish upbringing in a western society. She wrote it without her parents knowing and caused quite a riot in her community. We couldn’t make the portrait at her home or in Amsterdam West, where she grew up. Nevertheless she is determined to stay:”I’ll stay, otherwise I’ll be really the hooker they already made of me”. Today in Trouw!

‘The car was buried. We tried the doors but they would not budge; the weight of the snow was too great’, this is Rolph van Pommeren, who almost died in a blizzard when he was traveling as a 20 year old through Yorkshire. I love this column ‘Experience’ in The Guardian, always a good story, one you weren’t planning to read but ended up just doing so 😀 Read another incredible story in today’s edition of The Guardian!

galleries are closed, art fairs are cancelled: how to keep your art business alive and kicking the during the pandemic. Four Dutch gallerists are telling their way of dealing with the pandemic in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

„this is my daughter Hannah, she’s my hero” says Christien Buitenhuis in the newest edition of Sprank Magazine. Hannah’s been struggling for a long time with severe mental health issues. „Every time she is fighting so hard to get out of depression and I look up to that” Hannah and her mother were really sweet during the shoot. Often I have to force people to stand close to each other in order to be photographed together, but for these two did it came very natural and easy.

digging into detail: 'Het bureau’ seemingly endless masterpiece of J.J. Voskuil rediscovered in today’s edition of beautiful Tijdgeest in Trouw! I made the portraits of two big Voskuil fans, Elsbeth Etty, who knew Voskuil personally („he lived around the corner”) and Jesse Doomen.

this is Mohamed al-Tayeb, a singer and asylum seeker from Sudan. Mohamed appeared in the Arabic version of The Voice and got threatened by security officers of his country after. Despite of the safety fears his asylum case has been rejected in The Netherlands.
During the shoot we were constantly struggeling with the backdrop but at some point it the wind blew and it reminded me very much of a sail, which I liked.
He has come such a long way chasing his dreams, it only reminds me how lucky I have been, being able to choose a new country just because I liked something new. Read his story in today’s edition of The Guardian!

modern healthcare often leaves us right in the middle of technological possibilities and medical strategies and can make us feel hopeless and lost. Healthcare supplier Mediq emphasises on making medical care more human, making it 'meer mens'. I shot their new campaign and there is also a great podcast by fabulous Slowpony!

agency: Havas Lemz
creatives: Katharina-Anna Götzendorfer and Susan Zwijgers

‘It was a very big fall and a really dark time’ For The Observer I made some portraits of Dutch football legend Marco van Basten. Story by Don McRae

so proud to be part of this! For Trouw I photographed the complete edition of 'De duurzame 100' ('the sustainable 100').100 great initiatives for a better world. Some are small some are big; they all share a determination to make this world a better place.

very happy about this one: long term Volkskrant columnist Sheila Sitalsing for 'goedgeld' of ASN bank! 

Puberty hits brain and all of a sudden you feel like you are sitting next to a stranger: “not true!” says Jelle Jolles, author of several books on adolesence “don’t expect a butterfly when there is just a caterpillar.” Read his solutions to puberty madness and parental desperation in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!

This is Valika Smeulders, new head of Rijksmuseum’s history department standing in front of ‘Militia Company of District VIII under the Command of Captain Roelof Bicker’, by Bartholomeus van der Helst. Impressive work, grand, representation of wealth and civil power of the Dutch republic. In between these men there’s a little black boy, somehow hidden and dressed only in a red scarf. When I asked her which was one of her favourites pieces of the whole collection she wanted to be standing next to that little boy, ' I specially choose to wear this red suit,' she said 'I thought it might match well” and so it does!
Read her interview in today’s edition of V in De Volkskrant!
(On the third image she is standing in front of Rembrandt’s famous ‘Nightwatch’ which is being publicly restored while the museum is open.)

great hair has to be rewarded, no matter what. ’During chemotherapie I lost all my hair,’ writer Danielle Hermans told me, 'but after being bold it grew back just like this!'
Cancer used to be fatal, but it is not anymore. Read it in today’s edition of De Volkskrant.

SURVIVORS! Cancer used to be fatal, but it is not anymore as these three survivors tell us.
In today’s edition of De Volkskrant.

Gabriel Roma Santos risked his life by going to Syria in the midst of the heated conflict and created a skatepark for children.
He tells his incredible brave story in todays’ edition of The Guardian!!

A few weeks ago I photographed Marijke Schermer for De Volkskrant: she has been nominated for this year’s Libris Literatuur Prijs with her sagacious book „liefde, als het dat is”
„Let’s go outside and capture this extraordinary moment in history” we said and so she is standing in an totally empty street of the old Amsterdam. Lately the streets are already getting more crowded, when will we ever be able to say this again?
Check it out in today’s edition!

but there are also good things happening, exciting things, which will come in to play after Corona: such as the economic model of Kate Raworth for the city of Amsterdam. For The Guardian I photographed deputy mayor Marieke van Doorninck in a ghost-like empty city hall. We developed a little dance routine in order to maintain the 1,5m distance, it was quite funny and I was so happy to escape the house for a little while 😁

“Discomfort is putting it mildly...” read Holly Williams review of Marieke Rijneveld’s book ‘The Discomfort of Evening’ in the THE OBSERVER!  

New Europeans! My portrait of dutch poet and writer Marieke Lucas Rijneveld in the weekend edition of THE GUARDIAN!
You can read the interview here.

5/3/20For THE GUARDIAN I photographed the University of Wageningen and the Dutch vision of feeding the world properly. Got lost somewhere in between sparkling hightech and the sentimental longing for an untouched, prevailing nature. Check out witty Vidhi Doshi’s article on a small Dutch town that wants to shape the future of our food!

25/2/20„you know I’m afraid of hights, right?” she said, but anyway, climbing up that ladder, she did it! Meet Sophie de Lint, new artistic director of Dutch Nationale Opera en Ballet. She was born in Rotterdam, grew up in Zwitserland and returns to her roots being the first woman on this position in Europe. Today she is presenting her programme and you can read all about it in TROUW!

22/2/20(amateur) plant lover meets the ultimate plant expert! For today’s edition of De Volkskrant I photographed Leni Duistermaat, plant taxonomist extraordinaire. She has just released Heukels' Flora van Nederland, the guide on all existing flora of The Netherlands. Ever since he has been a little girl she knew she wanted to be a botanist. I simply loved her attitude:
„Whenever I go on vacation with my family and we arrive on our destination they look up to see the landscape and I look down to see what’s growing there”

20/1/20very happy about this assignment to photograph Japanese artist Sae Honda in her studio for the spring issue of Hanatsubaki Magazin!

16/1/20Femke Halsema, mayor of Amsterdam, has always been one of my favourite politicians, and yesterday I photographed her for THE GUARDIAN! She was as smart and funny and wise as I thought she would be. We definitively need more brilliant women in power.

27/12/19such an honour: I was one of the photographers to illustrate an important word for the 2019 photo special of dutch newspaper Trouw!! Going on a short trip holiday soon? Voilà: flight shame ('vliegschaamte')

14/12/19new dutch wunderkind Laurent Simons (9 years) cannot finish his studies at TU Eindhoven in Guinness world record time. Due to the narrow minded board of the university the parents say, due to his hyper ambitious parents the university says, who‘s right? Find out in the today’s edition of DER SPIEGEL!

7/12/19writer meets writer, falls in love, keeps a diary and publishes it- oops! How does it feel to read your own (love) story? Benjamin Moser, biographer of Susan Sontag and long term partner of dutch writer Arthur Japin tells in today‘s edition of De Volkskrant!

23/11/19cicitizen-scientist ontributing time, effort and resources to help professional science. Just by cruising hours and hours on your computer more than 1000 new burial mounds have been found! Check it out in this weekend’s edition of Trouw!

Enjoy a little football 90's flashback: the glorious times of Philippe Albert in today's edition of The Guardian!

17/11/19what happens after Brexit? Due to the uncertainty many former London based companies have already moved their offices and quite some of them are choosing Amsterdam. Fortune Magazine interviewd people who already have about the quality of life in this beautiful city!

simply loved Olivia Colman as Queen in Yorgos Lanthimos’ 'the favourite'! Let’s see if she pulls it off again in 'the crown’ and read what royal expert screenwriter Ger Beukenkamp has to say about the script in today’s edition of TROUW!

‘Our memory is like abandoned garden’ says professor Douwe Draaisma, who is an expert in how our brain deals with memory. When he suggested to go to a canyon, a place where he played a lot as a child, I immediately loved the idea and especially the roots of this tree.

And yes, of course it made me think of Caspar David Friedrich seeing him standing there 🙃

Read the full interview in Checkpoint Magazine!

writer Sanneke van Hassel writes stories about everyday life in the city. Her newest book ‘Nederzettingen’ gets 4 out of 5 stars in todays edition of De Volkskrant!

when I met Esther Ouwehand this summer she was just a member of a very small but significant party in parliament. A few days ago she became group chairwoman of her party and there is a big interview with her in TROUW today. She definitely had a special glow which shows so nicely in the picture; so people meet the new boss of the party for animals (Pvdd) Esther Ouwehand!

KLM the old and respectable lady of aviation turns 100 these days; read the story on a rocky french dutch partnership, cultural differences and modern challanges in aviation by Andreas Spaeth in German Bilanz!

very happy about this one as well! During summer I photographed voor DIVOSA various managers of dutch communities. Each portrait reflects their special approach in working together. It was fun to think of a visual translation of this abstract thing and crafting it in the studio.

28/09/19Heino Falcke is a professor in radio astronomy and astroparticle physics who became world famous by making the first photo of a black hole in space. Despite of his great success the funding for his following project was denied. Read his interview on the solitude of a scientist in today’s edition of De Volkskrant!
... and what could be more fun than to bring the black hole back into his office?

28/09/19 super happy with the fashion issue of dutch newspaper TROUW on 'slow fashion'! It was something completely new for me and so much fun to do!

people go and see and read the story of Jetske van der Schaar and Philip Scheltens in today’s edition of De Volkskrant! Alzheimer disease is such a cruel compagnion to many of us, wether it is a father or mother, grandparents or as in the case of Jetske, someone much too young.

Today is the last portrait of my little miniseries on dutch politicians in TROUW!
Each veteran is holding an image of him/herself when they had just started their careerJasper van Dijk (SP), Bram van Ojik (GroenLinks), Harm Beertema (PVV),
Esther Ouwehand (PvdD) and Madeleine van Toorenburg (CDA)



so great to see how kids take our future serious- meet Lilly Platt who demonstrates every week in front of city hall in Zeist to save the planet. In today's edition of THE GUARDIAN WEEKEND MAGAZINE!


very happy with this one: for THE GUARDIAN I photographed beautiful artist Laure Prouvost in her studio in Antwerp!


this is Pierre Kompany, the first black elected mayor of Ganshoren in Belgium AND, yes!
father of famous football player Vincent Kompany of Manchester City. In today's edition of THE GUARDIAN he tells his impressive story how he had to flee Congo and start all over in Belgium as a asylum seeker with almost nothing


'the baby gets my family name' - having the choice seems natural to me, no? Apparently it wasn't at all self-evident as not so long ago these stubborn women and brave men quite actively fought for their right to give the female name to their child. Read their story in the weekend edition of TROUW!


super happy with this lovely ongoing series that I am doing for SPRANK Magazine. Each story is about someone who struggled at one point in their life. Recovery from depression, coming from a poor back round or having 6 children and once lived on well-fare: they all succeeded in building up a successful career.


L O V E // How do you manage to stay together? For "Ik ook van jou" ("I love you too") magazine I met couples who did and share their secret with us. Very sweet and moving this was...


this is Rutger Bregman, rebellious thinker and historian. Smart and funny. Surely brave enough to tell the rich & philanthropic at the World Economic Forum in Davos one could easily solve the inequality in the world by looking into the global tax systems. Went viral with this speech.
Today in the newest edition of fabulous german DIE ZEIT!


this is Lammert Voos, writer, author of 'Malterfoske'. A brilliant short novel on the generations of poor and burdened families of the northern part of The Netherlands. His own youth and life were full of violence and alcohol. At one point he decided to take another path and stopped drinking, stopped the bad stuff and started writing.
We wanted to work with mirror for this shoot and when I took this image I said to him: 'it looks like you're always dragging someone with you' and he replied 'that's exactly how it is'. Check out his story in DE VOLKSKRANT today!


election fever! Check out my pics of debating politicians in dutch newspaper TROUW, starting today with Mei Li Vos (PvdA) en Annemarie Jorritsma (VVD).


5 years ago dutch former minister of health Els Borst was murdered in front of her door. Her son-in-law the fantastic scientist professor Sjaak Neefjes used the money of the inheritance
to reintroduce a very promising cancer medicine that had somehow been taken off the european market.
He and his crew did everything to bring this medicine back on the european market, just a few months left and it will be available again! Read the full story in this weekend's edition in DE VOLKSKRANT!


so very honoured to be guest curator for this years edition of


Game on! Check out my images of fabulous Massive Attack live at AFAS Amsterdam for THE OBSERVER


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 'How to start' is a lovely little miniseries in dutch newspaper TROUW, asking 5 artist how they start their creative proces. I photographed Chris Verlaan, Iris kensmil, Mirthe vab Doornik, Serge van Veggel and Hans Croiset! 



This is Hayarpi Tamrazyan. She is 21 years old and of armenian origin. She and her family are staying in Bethelkerk, the church in The Hague that has been holding a 24/7 service for 8 weeks now to keep them from deportation from The Netherlands.
The Tamrazyan family is protected in the church due to a medieval law that says authorities cannot enter while a religious service is ongoing. Although being granted to stay because of 'Kinderpardon' ( a dispensation available to families with children who have lived in the Netherlands for more than five years) these cases are refused their asylum. Hayarpi, as many other children, came to the Netherlands when they were very little and happen to grow up in The Netherlands while their parents applied in long procedures for asylum. The children are often more grounded in the dutch society than the country of their parents decent.
Now, after many, many years they would be forced to go back to a country they hardly know. Read her story in otday's edition of THE GUARDIAN!



Due to heavy gas extraction many people in the northern part of The Nethrlands suffer from heavy earthquakes that destroy their houses Janneke Ockels stands in front of her house: once it used to be her dreamhouse now it is almost falling apart.
Read the story in today's edition of THE DAILY TELEGRAPH


this is Frenkie de Jong, player at Ajax Amsterdam and new hope of all reborn dutch football dreams. Very friendly and smart and down to earth guy… he might be leaving Ajax for the highest transfer fee ever paid to the club.
Check out my portraits and his story in THE GUARDIAN today!


at one point you realise you might be member of a rather large family... dutch sperm donor Louis fathered at least 200 children - check out my portrait of Louis and one of his daughters in THE GUARDIAN WEEKEND MAGAZINE!


this is dutch afghan filmdirector Aboozar Amini who made the beautiful documentary 'Kabul, city in the wind'. Check it out in today's special edition on idfa in DE VOLKSKRANT!


two different times an icon: actors José Montoya and Dennis Rudge rehearsing to get into their rol as Martin Luther King today in DE VOLKSKRANT!


what a great start of the weekend! In early summer I had the pleasure photographing 18 portraits for the yearbook of De Levenseindekliniek. During that time I met very various people connected to the Leveneindekliniek and shared moving and thoughtful talks on life and death.


"… just make sure I won't fall INTO THE WATER!!!' gorgeous film maker Michiel van Erp said while hanging halfway above the river Amstel. Check my photo's in today's edition of DE VOLKSKRANT :-)   His movie 'Niemand in de stad' will be the openingsfilm at @nederlands_film_festival


What to do with the dusty remains of the last german Kaiser in today's edition of THE GUARDIAN!


so very happy about this unusual opportunity: THE GUARDIAN WEEKEND MAGAZINE ask me to shoot the beautiful interior of dutch designer Mariska Meijers!


'Chanel shoes, but no salary'; check out my portrait of super-nice Giulia Mensitieri for THE GUARDIAN. Giulia is an anthropologist who wrote her Phd on the habit of not actually paying money in high paid positions in the french fashion industry. Scandal!

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